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Our customers want climate action now and demand a more sustainable approach. We will partner with them, and our industry peers, to create a more sustainable fashion industry, which includes delivering on our ambitious plan to reduce absolute climate emissions by 50% by 2030 across our value chain.
The fashion and textile industry stands for a significant part of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Production, transport, use and disposal of textile products generate a huge amount of emissions of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, without a doubt enough to demand rapid action.
The time is now
The fashion sector has a significant impact on climate change, ranging somewhere between 3-10% of total global greenhouse gas emissions, depending on what research you look at. From our point of view it does not matter exactly what the number is. The important thing is that we know it is significant, and that we have to act. Now.
That's why we have set bold targets to reduce our absolute climate emissions by 50% by 2030, compared to 2020, and by 50% per product (and service) sold by 2025.
Reduce climate emissions by 50% by 2030
We will reduce our climate emissions by 50% by 2030, and by 50% per product (and service) sold by 2025.
  • By 2025, reduce emissions from our own operations by 80% (scope 1 & 2)
  • By 2025, reduce emissions by 50% per product (& service) sold (scope 1, 2 & 3)
  • By 2030, reduce absolute emissions by 50% (scope 1, 2 & 3)
  • By 2030, have 75% of our production volume being made with renewable energy
  • By 2030, have 75% of our last mile truck deliveries fossil free
  • By 2030, reduce emissions by 45% from product materials through volume reduction and moving towards using best available technology
All of the above is compared to a 2020 baseline.
To learn more about our progress, please see our latest Sustainability Report.
  • Switch to renewable energy in our own operations (achieved)
  • Continue to work to reduce emissions from our transportation
  • Enable and support factories to switch to renewable energy
  • Increase the share of organic, recycled or other lower impact materials in all our products, to reach 100% in 2030
  • Increase the share of recycled materials for synthetic fibres and metals, to reach 100% in 2030
  • Support supply chain partners to use water, chemicals, and materials more efficiently
  • Accelerate the shift to circular business models and services
Inspire customers to have a more sustainable wardrobe
We want to encourage and collaborate with our customers to jointly create a more sustainable fashion industry.
  • By 2025, reach 100% of customers buying products with organic, recycled or other lower impact materials
  • By 2025, generate 70% of GMV from products with at least 50% organic, recycled or other lower impact materials
  • By 2025, reach 5% of customer orders with at least one second hand item
To learn more about our progress, please see our latest Sustainability Report.
  • Encourage more sustainable consumer behaviour.
  • Inspire customers to take better care of their products so they last longer.
  • Educate customers on more sustainable fashion consumption.
  • Better and more transparent customer communication on NA-KD’s climate impact, actions and results.
Our progress
We will not let ourselves or our customers down – we are determined to meet our ambitious goals. Our biggest challenge is to reduce absolute emissions while being a young and growing company. With NA-KD’s pace of business growth, it becomes even more important to integrate climate action into our business strategy. To have a chance to reach our targets, we need to decouple growth from volume, use less CO2e per new product produced and have a large part of our business come from circular business models. To achieve our goals and to integrate them into our business, we have developed a climate action roadmap, a detailed plan to reach our targets by 2030.
You can read the roadmap here. Read more about our approach to circularity here. For details about our climate calculations, please see our latest Sustainability Report.
Climate compensation
Our number one focus is to reduce emissions. As an e-commerce company, we are working in close collaboration with our transport providers. But there is no such thing as sustainable transport today – in particular not for air freight and long truck transportation. In waiting for more sustainable solutions, we climate compensate all our transport and are in close dialogue with all our logistics providers to push the change needed in the transport industry.
For details on our climate compensation, current and past projects, please see our Offsetting Report</a > and our Sustainability Reports for the respective years. You can find our reports here.

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